The Dow Jones fell 270 points Tuesday after Monday’s market sell-off. Nvidia, Palantir and Tesla rebounded on the stock market today.

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The Dow Jones fell 270 points Tuesday after Monday’s market sell-off. Nvidia, Palantir and Tesla rebounded on the stock market today.

The post Dow Jones Falls 270 Points After Stock Market Sell-Off; Nvidia, Palantir, Tesla Rally appeared first on Investor’s Business Daily.

 The Dow Jones fell 270 points Tuesday after Monday’s market sell-off. Nvidia, Palantir and Tesla rebounded on the stock market today.
The post Dow Jones Falls 270 Points After Stock Market Sell-Off; Nvidia, Palantir, Tesla Rally appeared first on Investor’s Business Daily.   Read MoreStock Market Today, All News And Stock Ideas, Dow Jones Industrial Average Stock News, ETF News, Stock Futures Investor’s Business Daily