Shares of Power Finance Corp. will be of interest on Tuesday, as the day marks the last session for investors to buy shares to qualify for receiving interim dividend before the stock goes ex/record-date.

The record date determines the eligible shareholders, who will receive the dividend payment. The ex-dividend date, which mostly coincides with the record date, marks when the share price adjusts to reflect the upcoming payout.

Last week, Power Finance Corp.’s board declared the fourth interim dividend of Rs 3.5 per share for the financial year 2025. To determine the shareholders eligible for the dividend payout, the board has fixed a record date of March 19, with payments on or before April 11.

Given India’s T+1 settlement cycle, shares purchased on the record date (March 19 in this case) will not be eligible for the dividend payment. Therefore, investors who own shares by March 18 will be the beneficiaries.

Through the fourth interim dividend, PFC will pay shareholders nearly Rs 1,155 crore.

The company has over 10.6 lakh retail investors holding nominal share capital up to Rs 2 lakh. They constitute 5.59% equity ownership. Besides, the government will pocket nearly Rs 647 crore via the dividend.

PFC is a ‘Maharatna’ public sector undertaking that provides financial services for India’s power sector.

Dividends are a way for companies to reward their shareholders.

PFC had paid a first interim dividend of Rs 3.25 and second and third interim dividend of Rs 3.5 this fiscal.

. Read more on Markets by NDTV Profit.Last week, Power Finance Corp.’s board declared the fourth interim dividend of Rs 3.5 per share for the financial year 2025.  Read MoreMarkets, Business, Notifications 

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