Beginner investors are confused by factors like poor research, failing to understand market dynamics, and blindly following media or hype. This leads them to make the wrong decision or not take the initiative.
Financial news is a precursor to the Recommender platform. Get up-to-date financial news, market news, global economic news, business news, stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies, commodities, blockchain, fintech startup news, money, personal finance, wealth management, and all financial assets-related articles, blogs, and financial educational content aggregated by Boominance.
Boomiance connects beginner investors like you with top Recommenders, Finfluencers, Financial Resources, and top financial products to make your investment, trading, and personal financial decisions better.
Be it trading or investing, a tailored web portal for investment recommendations comes with a wide range of inbuilt tools, such as an interactive, real-time, visually rich market screener with powerful filters, portfolio tracking, and more. Boominance will provide all the services for free.
Connect with your favorite Finfluencers and top investing, trading enthusiasts in stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies and other assets. Wealth is networking, Boomiance’s Community Forum will be built only for people who are seeking to build their wealth.
Be it investing or personal finance, Boominance provides tools for personal finance, investing, and trading such as charting tools, stock analysis (fundamental and technical), portfolio tracking, watchlists and alerts, financial calculators, budgeting, and more, all for free.
Boominance designed ‘Microblogging’ service for Top financial news sites, crypto media, Finfluencers, financial companies, even by Recommenders is where investors can find microblogs about trending in financial markets, economy, stocks, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, global markets and more.
Boominance connects you with investment research firms, brokerage firms, independent analysts, research firms, brokerage firms, independent brokers, advice firms, money management firms, financial advisors, wealth management firms, banks, financial web portals, and financial businesses who we call 'Recommenders' to provide you with investment advice, trading recommendations, and personal financial advice in stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies, commodities, and similar financial assets, as well as in money and wealth building through a customised and tailored web portal as subscription tiers.
Boominance is a platform for investors, traders, and people who seek to build wealth to connect with top financial news and information sites, Recommenders, Finfluencers, and top financial products, as well as Boominance’s tools and services, all on a single platform to make investing and financial decisions better.
Get up-to-date financial news, market news, global economic news, business news, stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies, commodities, blockchain, fintech startup news, money, personal finance, wealth management, and all financial assets-related articles, blogs, and financial educational contents aggregated by Boominance and republished directly by the financial news sites themselves, whom we call 'Publishers', for free.
Have access to the investing and trading recommendations, research reports, stock and security analysis reports, and other personal financial advice and tools provided by Recommenders through Boominance’s customised and tailored ‘Web Portal’ in a single dashboard.
Follow top Finfluencers and get their free contents on Boominance’s Online Video Platform (as videos and short videos), Podcasts, Microblogs in the Microblogging feed, and posts in the Community Forum.
Use tools and services for personal finance, investing, and trading, such as real-time market screeners (with powerful filters), charting tools, stock analysis (fundamental and technical), portfolio tracking, watchlists and alerts, financial calculators, budgeting, and more, for free.
Investing in the right assets is always a DIY process. The longer you do the research, the better the investments you makeHowever, not all people have the inherent skills and time to research investments. Boominance enables beginner investors to connect with top Recommenders to make their investment decisions better.
Investment research firms employ experienced and skilled analysts of fundamental, technical, and various kinds, and those analysts spend weeks to months researching a single stock using 3–4 different sophisticated tools to make investment research reports. They analyse every detail of the company, industry, and even the macroeconomic environment.
Cryptocurrencies are not speculative. Cryptocurrency Recommenders study 3 different metrics for fundamental analysis and 8 different indicators for technical analysis and have an in-depth understanding of the technical know-how. Only then measures the price patterns.
Finfluencers don’t just work for brand deals. They intensely research financial information and ratings of financial brands, analyse macroeconomic conditions, and have a great network with people from great companies. Some Finfluencers have a great research team on various subjects such as the economy, stocks, personal finance, and more, so they can produce content of great quality for their followers.
There are many ways to spend your money, but very few ways to save your money, and very few ways to make money with your money. Saving money for investing is not only a wise choice. Saving your time researching where to invest is also the wisest choice. Choose the top Recommenders based on your needs and make your investment decisions better.
There were 430K+ bankruptcies in 2023. Every day, investors read that businesses and banks are going bankrupt and the economy is collapsing. But, only in times of crisis do the strongest businesses stay still and the weakest businesses fall. And it is only after the crisis that the strongest businesses that stayed will become the kings of the market. And as an investor, you have to find those businesses to invest in in times of crisis.
As 2023 ends, interest rates in the US range from 5.25% to 5.5%. With consumers facing the highest inflation rates in decades, record-high bankruptcies, startup bubbles, job losses, recession in EU nations, the highest mortgage rates in decades, global trade turbulence, even big cities in Britain declaring bankruptcies are not what most of the young generation of the population never faced in their lifetime. According to the world’s biggest bank, a record $129 trillion wealth transfer is happening now in human history. The financial world presents people with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make big bucks in their lifetime.
As more companies are going public every year, increasingly that there will be more public trading companies than there are today. Retail investors alone cannot pick the good and valued stocks on their own as there are more public companies than ever before. You need Recommenders to help you with making the right investing decisions.
As the saying goes, the best time to buy a house is when the house sells for the cheapest price. The world economy is slowing down. Stocks are down as low as 50%. The top legendary investors say stocks will go down even further. But it is a once-in-a-generation's chance to start investing in the right assets. You are going to invest anyway; why don’t you invest with the help of Recommenders?
70% and more of adults globally have access to financial information through a combination of sources, and that number is growing faster since the impact of the global pandemic. Whether you're an investor or not, to achieve financial freedom and build wealth, people must know about trends and what’s happening in the financial world. Stay connected with Boominance's up-to-date news on financial markets, cryptocurrencies, the economy, and more financial contents aggregated and republished by top financial news sites and media.
2024 is the end of the bear market and the beginning of the bull market. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to start investing and building wealth. You have to be there before it takes off. Boomiance’s mission is to help beginner investors and young people by connecting them with Financial News, Recommenders, Finfluencers, top Financial Companies, and financial educational contents to make better investment and financial decisions in their lives.
We are initially launching Boominance with ‘Financial News Aggregation’ for people to read up-to-date financial market news, economy, cryptocurrency news, forex news, commodities news, and other similar financial asset-related news, as well as financial and investing educational articles and blogs that are aggregated by Boominance from top financial news sites and portals. Also, people can find tools such as market screens to know the prices and details of stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies, and other assets. Register with us for newsletters. And stay tuned; we will provide constant updates about our product launch. Soon we are launching our recommendation platform services, such as a web portal, microblogging, and more, for investors to connect with Recommenders and Finfluencers.
Boominance aggregates financial news from top financial news sites and portals and publishes it free of cost for people to read up-to-date financial news, investment recommendations, educational content, and more.
We at Boominance call independent investment research firms, brokerage firms, independent analysts, research firms, brokerage firms, independent brokers, advice firms, money management firms, banks, financial advisors, wealth management firms, financial web portals, and financial businesses as ‘Recommenders’ as part of our business design. We provide our platform for Recommenders to provide (sell) the latest investment advice, trading recommendations, and personal finance advice to the communities of investors, traders, and people who seek financial advice through a tailored web portal as subscription tiers.
Financial Influnecers, widely called Finfluencers or Fin-influencers, Boominance provides a platform for ‘Finfluencers’ to connect with their followers (mainly investors) and talk about trending in financial markets, investing, stocks, cryptocurrencies, personal finance, and more, mainly through OVP, Podcasts, Microblogging, Community Forum.
Boominance is not a trading platform on its own. However, Boominance will help you choose the right trading platform for the right investment assets through our sponsorship programs.
We are initially launching Boominance as a financial news and content aggregator. Boominance is a startup currently in the ideation phase. In this ideation phase, we’re conducting market research to validate ideas and understand user needs to develop products that empower financial futures.