Apple has been secretly working to introduce satellite support for iPhones. The tech major has now collaborated with SpaceX and T-Mobile to offer satellite support as part of iOS 18.3 update secretly, which Starlink will gradually bring out in beta for T-Mobile customers, according to a recent report by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. So, if you are packing an iPhone 15 or iPhone 16, this is great news for you.
According to people who have knowledge of this development, Gurman noted, the companies have been testing iPhones using the Starlink service of Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. iPhone’s most recent software upgrade, iOS 18.3, which was made public on Jan. 27, now supports the technology.
Gurman also said that T-Mobile is offering the service to a set of users as part of limited beta testing. T-Mobile customers can connect to Starlink satellites as of iOS 18.3 if they have a suitable iPhone and Starlink beta access.
The following message was reportedly sent to the select Apple iPhone-linked T-Mobile customers:
“You’re in the T-Mobile Starlink beta. You can now stay connected with texting via satellite from virtually anywhere. To start experiencing coverage beyond, please update to iOS 18.3.”
Notably, in 2022, T-Mobile had announced a collaboration with Starlink. In December 2024, it launched a pilot programme that enables users to text via Starlink satellites in places that do not have cell phone towers. At that time, iPhones were not supported by the T-Mobile Starlink beta programme, which was restricted to Samsung handsets.
Through the Starlink integration, a T-Mobile iPhone that does not have access to T-Mobile cellular connection will also be able to connect to Starlink satellites automatically. While the service is now only available for messaging, T-Mobile and SpaceX reportedly intend to add data and calling support going forward.
Through the collaboration between Apple and Globalstar, iPhone 14 and later models already allow satellite connectivity for messaging. As a result, iPhone users who can utilise Starlink can also choose to text using Apple’s integrated satellite service. Starlink and Apple’s service are only accessible in the absence of a local cellular network.
Though currently restricted to a limited number of users, T-Mobile intends to eventually open up the Starlink beta test to more subscribers.
. Read more on Technology by NDTV Profit.Apple has collaborated with SpaceX and T-Mobile to offer satellite support as part of iOS 18.3 secretly, which Starlink. If you have iPhone 15, iPhone 16 you got access to Starlink Satellite Support. Read MoreTechnology, Notifications
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